Einladung zur Veranstaltung „Die Bombardierung Ex-Jugoslawiens mit Uranmunition 20 Jahre danach“
1999 bombardierte und beschoss die NATO – im Rahmen der völkerrechtswidrigen Operation „Allied orces” – Serbien, den Kosovo, Montenegro und Bosnien-Herzegowina. Die NATO-Streitkräfte setzten dabei panzer- und bunkerbrechende Uranmunition ein. Weiterlesen … Einladung zur Veranstaltung „Die Bombardierung Ex-Jugoslawiens mit Uranmunition 20 Jahre danach“
New ICBUW Advisory Board constituted
ICBUW has founded a new Advisory Board. The organization and in particular its spokespersons Ria Verjauw and Prof. Manfred Mohr as well as the Steering Group are now assisted by a voluntary body that will give advice and recommendations. Read more … New ICBUW Advisory Board constituted
German voting behavior in UN resolution is evidence for continued ignorance regarding uranium ammunition
After Germany again abstained in the vote on the UN resolution „On the effects of armaments and ammunition containing depleted uranium“, Greens MP Agnieszka Brugger submitted a parliamentary question in November 2018, asking why the German government has been abstaining. Read more … German voting behavior in UN resolution is evidence for continued ignorance regarding uranium ammunition