Themen-Archiv: Frieder Wagner

Frieder Wagner, Deadly Dust (2019) – an important book about uranium weapons

22. Oktober 2019 Blog posts, Statements

Deadly Dust hits the shelves at the right time: for one, the book’s release parallels the efforts of Serbian lawyer Sdran Aleksic and his team to assist the victims of the NATO-bombing with uranium ammunition in their plight for aid. Beyond this, the time has come for a reappraisal of this topic’s treatment by the media and in politics, (particularly) in Germany. Nobody is better suited to this job than Frieder Wagner.  Read more … Frieder Wagner, Deadly Dust (2019) – an important book about uranium weapons

Deadly Dust – Todesstaub

20. März 2011 Publikationen

Die Dokumentation von Frieder Wagner erzählt von einem Kriegsverbrechen: dem Einsatz der Uranmunition im Irak, im Bosnienkrieg und im Kosovo. Diese „Wunderwaffe der Alliierten durchdringt einen feindlichen Panzer wie ein Messer die Butter. Dabei verbrennt das hochgiftige, radioaktive Uran zu winzigsten Nanopartikelchen.  Weiterlesen … Deadly Dust – Todesstaub

Deadly Dust

11. März 2011 Publications and Videos

The documentary by Frieder Wagner tells of a war crime: the use of uranium munitions in Iraq, in the Bosnian war and in Kosovo. This „wonder weapon“ of the Allies cuts through enemy tanks like a knife through butter. The highly toxic radioactive uranium burns to tiny nanoparticles.  Read more … Deadly Dust